U.S. National Straw Sculpting Competition Fine Art in Straw…

Fran Volz's
Introduction to Straw Sculpting

While on vacation in Switzerland in 2011 my friends took me on a surprise trip. "Fran today we're going for a ride to Germany." About 2 hours later we came to a little town called Höchenschwand. Population: 2,500. I had no idea why we came only to discover an outdoor Art Gallery. Creatures and fun displays made of....well, straw! It was amazing: the detail and time it must have taken to create these sculptures. Lots of smiles as people walked from one piece to the next.
I took lots of pictures, and close-up shots of their techniques. Being a bronze sculptor I didn't know if I'd ever work with straw but was fascinated nonetheless. Here are samples of what I saw.